Breifing Book
153rd Regular CFMC Meeting convened at the Holiday Inn, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, August 19-20, 2015.
- 153rd CFMC Meeting Announcement - Federal Register
- 153 CFMC Meeting Spanish Notice
- 153 CFMC Meeting English Notice
- 153rd CFMC Meeting Draft Agenda
- Memorandum to 153rd CFMC Meeting participants
- 152nd CFMC Meeting Verbatim Transcript
- 152nd CFMC Meeting Motions
- ABT Consistency Environmental Assessment 2015 Aug 3 (V.3 Draft)
- Accountability Measure Application (Draft) Briefing Book 2015 July 31
- Draft PHD Timing AM-Closures 8.5.2015 (V.1)
- Draft Puerto Rico FMP Actions and Alternatives 2015 July 31
- Draft St. Croix FMP Actions and Alternatives 2015 July 31
- Draft St. Thomas_St. John FMP Actions and Alternatives 2015 July 31
Meeting Results
- Island-Based FMPs - Choosing Species for Federal Management within an MSA Context
- Outreach and Education Advisory Panel (OEAP) Report to the Council
- MARFIN & Saltonstall-Kennedy, and SEFSC Projects in Puerto Rico
and the Virgin Islands - Draft Species List for Federal Management in the IBFMPs
- Tables_IBFMPs
- Tables_IBFMPs
- Connecting Fishermen and Fisheries Data: Using a Cooperative Gear Development Project to Improve Catch Reporting
- Timing of Accountability Measure-Based Closures
- Spread of the Non-Native Seagrass, Halophila stipulacea, in the Caribbean
- SSC Report to CFMC
- Modifying Regulations for Three Seasonally Closed Areas off Western Puerto Rico: Abrir La Sierra Bank, Bajo de Sico, and Tourmaline Bank
- Modifying Regulations for Three Seasonally Closed Areas off Western Puerto Rico: Abrir La Sierra Bank, Bajo de Sico, and Tourmaline Bank
- Modificar la Reglamentación Actual para Tres Areas Protegidas en Puerto Rico: Abrir la Sierra, Bajo de Sico, y Tourmalin
Meeting Recodings
- August 19, 2015 - 153rd CFMC Meeting
- 1 CFMC 153rd Meeting Mayaguez PR 08-19-2015 AM Session Pt1
- 2 CFMC 153rd Meeting Mayaguez PR 08-19-2015 AM Session Pt2
- 3 CFMC 153rd Meeting Mayaguez PR 08-19-2015 AM Session Pt3
- 4 CFMC 153rd Meeting Mayaguez PR 08-19-2015 PM Session Pt1
- 5 CFMC 153rd Meeting Mayaguez PR 08-19-2015 PM Session Pt2
- 6 CFMC 153rd Meeting Mayaguez PR 08-19-2015 PM Session Pt3
- 7 CFMC 153rd Meeting Mayaguez PR 08-19-2015 PM Session 4
- August 20, 2015 - 153rd CFMC Meeting
- PUBLIC HEARING - 8 CFMC 153rd Meeting - Public Hearings - Mayaguez PR 08-20-2015 AM Session Pt1
- 9 CFMC 153rd Meeting Mayaguez PR 08-20-2015 AM Session Pt2
- 10 CFMC 153rd Meeting Mayaguez PR 08-20-2015 AM Session Pt3
- 11 CFMC 153rd Meeting MayaguezPR 08-20-2015 PM Session Pt1
- 12 CFMC 153rd Meeting Mayaguez PR 08-20-2015 PM Session Pt2