Breifing Book
- 148th CFMC Meeting - Memo to Council Members
- Federal Register Notice
- 148th Draft Agenda
- 147th Meeting Verbatim Transcription
- 147th Meeting Council Motions Transcription
- SSC Meeting Transcript - Nov 2013
- AP and AdHoc Meeting - October 22, 2013
- Puerto Rico Draft EIS Draft Action and Alternatives
- STT_STJ Draft EIS Draft Action and Alternatives
- STX Draft EIS Draft Action and Alternatives
- Caribbean & North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems Project
- Meetings Attended by Council Members and Staff for 147th Meeting
- ABT Compatibility Options Paper
- AP Table as of August 1, 2013
- OEAP Table as of March 2013
- SSC Table as of March 2013
Meeting Presentations
- Dr. Cerame Vivas presentation of the Book Project - Essential Fish Habitats of the Deep - Puerto Rico and The U.S. Virgin Islands
- Roy Armstrong Presentation - Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands
- Dr. Graciela García-Moliner Presentation - Essential Fish Habitats of the Deep US Caribbean
- Dr. Graciela García-Moliner - On Bajo de Sico -
- Developing Compatible Regulations for Three Seasonally Closed Areas off Puerto Rico: Abrir La Sierra Bank, Bajo de Sico, and Tourmaline Bank
- Options Paper - Developing Compatible Regulations for Three Seasonally Closed Areas off Puerto Rico: Abrir La Sierra Bank, Bajo de Sico, and Tourmaline Bank
- Groupers ALS BDS Tour
- Federal State Compatibility
- Minutes - Scoping Meeting Mayagüez, P. R.
- All comments - Scoping Meeting Mayagüez, P. R.
- Dr. Michelle Schärer - Presentation
- Dr. David Olsen's Presentations -
- STFA/SCCFA/CFMC Spiny Lobster Project
- Kate Quigley - Closures Options Models
- Dr. Bill Arnold, SERO -
- Dr. W.Heyman -
- Cooperative management of the Caribbean snapper-grouper complex: the Role of Fisher Ambassadors
- Video - A Fishers Journey
- Dr. Alida Ortiz, OEAP Chairperson - Outreach and Education Advisory Panel (OEAP) - Report to the Council
- Dr. Richard Appeldoorn, SSC Chairperson - SSC Report to CFMC
- Dr. Bonnie Ponwith - Caribbean & North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems
- Dr. Miguel Garcia, PR DNER - PR Law Enforcement Report
Meeting Results
- Motions as taken at the 148th CFMC Meeting
Meeting Recodings
The 148th CFMC Meeting recordings will remain in the website until January 17th, 2014. If you need these recordings after this date you may request a DVD.