- 133rd CFMC Meeting English Notice
- 133rd CFMC Meeting Spanish Notice
- 133rd CFMC Meeting Draft Agenda
- Meetings Attended
- Memo to Council Members
- Coral Petition
- Draft ACL Options Paper Dec 2, 2009
- ACL Options Paper
- Options Paper Graphs ACL
- Other Recommendations ACLs
- SSC Table
- AP Table
- HAP Table
Meeting Results
- 133rd CFMC Meeting Verbatim Transcription
- 133rd CFMC Meeting Motions
- 133rd CFMC Meeting Motions as taken on 12-15-09
- 133rd CFMC Meeting Motions as taken on 12-16-09
Meeting Presentations
- Fisheries Data Collection Improvements in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands
- Developing a USVI Recreational License System and Updating the Recreational Regulations
- MRAG Proposal for 5-Yr EFH Review
- Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act EFH Information Review
- A Review of Terminology, Concepts and Definitions for National Standard 1 Guidelines
- ACL Options Paper 12-16-09
- ACL Options Paper Presentation
- Options Paper Graphs ACL
- Other Recommendations ACLs
- A White Paper to Define the Division of the EEZ
- Caribbean_boundaries
- Amendment 3 to the Fishery Management Plan for Queen Conch Resources of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
- Report on Second National SSC Meeting
- Catch Shares
- Carib ACL Arnold_Blough version Dec 2009
- CFMC 133 December 2009 PP
- Final FLSF Outreach Presentation 2009
- NOAA SED OLE - FY2009 - 4th Quarter Report - Council